HKA sponsors ABCC Infrastructure breakfast with Minister Rob Stokes
21st June 2022
HKA was honoured to sponsor the Australian British Chamber of Commerce breakfast event, with guest speaker the Hon. Rob Stokes, Minister for Infrastructure, Minister for Cities, and Minister for Active Sport.
The Minister was introduced by Dafydd Wyn Owen, Partner at HKA, and discussed the state’s record $110 billion infrastructure pipeline and the opportunities and challenges presented delivering a multitude of major projects across NSW.

“It was great to hear Minister Stokes address the need for long-term future planning, which focusses on addressing problems rather than jumping straight to the solution. Providing the Harbour Bridge as an example of successful long-term planning, the Minister outlined how the 8-laned bridge was able to meet the demand for commuters from the early 1930’s to now, showcasing the need to appropriately plan for our future generations and to place greater emphasis on the planning phase.
The Minister touched on the productivity issue in the construction industry and alluded to the need to transform the way infrastructure is planned and delivered to support a more productive, innovative and financially resilient industry. The Infrastructure Australia Report, released in March 2022 provides insights into how we can combat the productivity issue that is prominent within our industry. One way that our industry is shifting is through the adoption of Modern Methods of Construction, enabling improvements in productivity, quality and safety. It would be great to see whether the way we plan and deliver infrastructure will prioritise a Modern Methods of Construction approach.”
Marina Palinginis, Consultant at HKA