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HKA is proud to help produce a special roundtable webinar discussion reflecting on the ABA Forum Leadership Roundtable COVID-19 webinar programs. Since the early days of the global crisis, the ABA Forum on Construction Law has hosted 11 webinars helping its members navigate uncertain times. Topics ranged from project insurance, workman’s comp, financing/cashflow, business interruption and contracts/ force majeure. Click the registration link below to sign up for this webinar.
John Paolin, HKA
Frank Giunta, HKA
Tracy Doyle, HKA
Kristine Kubes, Kubes Law
A. Robert Ruesch, Verrill Law
Guest Panelists from prior ABA Forum Covid Programs will also be joining the panel
Registration link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/829701778640763151 Webinar ID:707-555-483
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