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HKA Associate Director Stacey Ferris is participating in an Around the Valuation World In-Depth webcast, “Metaverse Valuation: Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs),” on May 16 at 1:00 PM ET. This two-hour training course provides a basic understanding of NFTs; identifies the major types of ownership NFTs that may require specialized valuation (i.e., single-use, reusable, perpetuals, and real asset NFTs); and covers valuation considerations for each type.
Co-sponsored by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts (NACVA) and the Consultants’ Training Institute (CTI), this virtual course may benefit valuation analysts, accountants, auditors, and accounting/finance executives at entities transacting in NFTs, as well as lawyers, paralegals, mediators, and other legal professionals encountering NFTs. CPE credits are available on completion of the course.

Stacey Ferris, Associate Director
Stacey Ferris is a forensic accountant and Big Four fraud auditor with more than 10 years of experience in large corporate, entrepreneurial, and classified federal government environments. She is an adjunct professor of accounting at the University of Maryland, teaching a course on blockchain and digital assets. Her research encompasses developing the digital asset hierarchy and methodology for valuing non-fungible tokens, as well as contributing to professional and academic journals. She is a thought leader in the CryptoCFOs community, a platform for crypto accounting professionals. This training is based in part on her October 2022 Journal of Accountancy article introducing the four types of NFTs.
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