On Thursday, 10 September 2020, the King’s College London Centre of Construction Law and Dispute Resolution, and the Academy of Experts, virtually hosted the International Construction Law Conference.
The conference united the foremost international construction law practitioners from 24 leading law firms, chambers and expert consultancies, along with a number of senior in-house lawyers and industry experts. The conference was ‘attended’ by over 3,500 delegates who were provided with a series of interesting and topical sessions on aspects of construction law and dispute resolution.
The keynote speech was provided by Mrs Justice Finola O’Farrell DBE, Judge in Charge of the Technology and Construction Court and member of The Academy of Experts Judicial Committee. You can access the recordings here.
Derek Nelson, HKA Partner and Chairman of The Academy Experts participated in the session on Advanced technologies and the role of the expert chaired by Vivek Kapoor, Barrister, 39 Essex Chambers. Access the recording here.
Derek Nelson said: “From manual calculation of CPM programmes to 3D scanning of entire projects overlaid onto 7D BIM models with augmented reality in one [not nearly finished yet] working life, things have changed and are changing at pace. The role and responsibility of the expert remains constant with courts [and tribunals] becoming more vocal in their condemnation of experts that fail to perform that role and obligation. The session addressed some of those challenges. I am grateful to both Vivek Kapoor and Ashilee Schreiber for their thoughts and insights.”

From manual calculation of CPM programmes to 3D scanning of entire projects overlaid onto 7D BIM models with augmented reality in one [not nearly finished yet] working life, things have changed and are changing at pace. The role and responsibility of the expert remains constant with courts [and tribunals] becoming more vocal in their condemnation of experts that fail to perform that role and obligation. The session addressed some of those challenges.”Derek Nelson, Partner, HKA