
Mark Dixon


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Construction - Thought Leader
Expert Information
Qualifications BSc (Hons) in Quantity Surveying with First Class Honours
Post-Graduate Diploma in Arbitration (DipArb)
Professional Memberships FRICS, FCIArb, FACostE, MAE, Chartered Arbitrator
Contract Experience LOGIC, BIMCO, NEC, ICE, JCT, GC Works, FIDIC, IChemE, Bespoke
Industries Buildings, Marine and Shipping, Mining and Metals, Oil and Gas, Power and Utilities, Production and Manufacturing, Transportation Infrastructure
Regional Experience Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Oceania
Expert Highlights
  • Widely experienced and respected quantum expert in the energy, marine, manufacturing, industrial, utilities and infrastructure sectors.
  • Specialises in high-value oil and gas, shipbuilding and industrial process plant disputes.
  • Appointed as quantum expert on disputes up to US$1.2 billion.
  • Understands the needs of the tribunal in relation to expert evidence through extensive experience as a third-party dispute resolver.
  • Proven as a credible witness under cross-examination and concurrent witness conferencing.
  • Who’s Who Legal has described him as a “superb expert” who “writes excellent reports that earn the trust of tribunals”.

Mark Dixon is a dual-qualified Chartered Surveyor and Chartered Arbitrator with 40 years’ experience in engineering and construction, and is a respected international quantum expert witness and dispute resolver.

Mark’s strengths include his thoroughness, practicality and depth of understanding of both projects and legal process. Mark is highly experienced and highly professional. He is always our top choice in his field. 

Lexology Index – Construction

Mark first testified as an expert witness in court in 1995. He has given oral testimony in the English courts (including the TCC) and in various international arbitration proceedings, by traditional cross-examination and concurrent expert conferencing. His expert commissions have included disputes up to US$1.2 billion on contracts up to US$2.5 billion, within wider projects up to US$17 billion in value.

Mark specialises in major oil and gas, marine, industrial, power and utilities sector projects and has been appointed as expert on offshore and onshore oil and gas facilities in Asia, Australia, Europe and the Middle East; shipbuilding contracts in Europe and Asia; and power, utilities and process plant projects in Europe. He has also been appointed on various infrastructure and building construction projects in Europe.

Mark is also an experienced third party neutral. He has been appointed as adjudicator or arbitrator on over 500 cases. He holds the CIArb’s Arbitration and Adjudication Panel Practice Certificates and is on adjudication panels of the RICS, ICE, CIArb, TeCSA, RIBA, AICA, CIC and CLG, and arbitration panels or lists of the RICS, CIArb, ICC, LCIA, HKIAC, AIAC, CIETAC, SHIAC, SCIA, LMAA (Supporting Member) and PIAC.

Mark’s expert and dispute resolution practice is underpinned by experience in estimating, tendering, project surveying, contract administration, commercial project and contract management, delay analysis, and claims consultancy.  He has been involved in contracts up to US$11 billion on projects valued up to US$30 billion.

Who’s Who Legal ranks him as either a Thought Leader or Recommended Global Leader across three expert research categories.

Mark Dixon enjoys a fantastic reputation in the market with peers and clients naming him “an outstanding quantum expert” who is “totally on top of his game”.

Contact Mark
Location: 100 Victoria Embankment
London, EC4Y 0DH
United Kingdom

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