Hear from HKA colleague, Robert Eadie, Senior Engineer, Championing the Year of Engineering 2018
27th April 2018
Senior Engineer Robert Eadie has plenty on his plate at the moment, but he still finds the time to inspire the world’s next generation of engineers. He dives feet first into the HM Government’s Year of Engineering 2018 initiative, assisting in the Scottish Engineering Leaders Award (SELA) this April 2018, grading the entries from aspiring engineers.
When did you join HKA and what office are you based in?
I joined HKA in October 2017 and I am based in the Glasgow office.
What is your background and why did you choose HKA?
I come from a ten-year background in contracting. I am a Chartered Building Services Engineer, and I’ve been involved with and delivered a variety of major construction projects throughout the UK.
I am always looking to challenge myself and get outside my comfort zone, this has led me towards the risks that contracts often inadvertently expose. I was drawn to HKA as I believe managing risk sits at the core of the group’s strengths. Now I feel part of the HKA engineering ‘family’ and manage risk on behalf of our clients. In my spare time, I am furthering my awareness of legal process with a Masters in Construction Law at Strathclyde University.
Which entries stood out to you at the SELA event in April 2018?
Grading entries from a local primary school in Glasgow, an inspirational day my favourite inventions were a car that runs on air, kids shoes that grow as they got older and a robot that helps the old and frail (and people with no energy!).
A particular favourite was a duster that stops dads from sneezing so they can clean more often!
What is the Year of Engineering 2018 initiative and how can we get involved?
The Year of Engineering 2018 campaign acknowledges Britain’s engineering heritage, and as the country that continues to lead the world in sectors like building services and construction. The construction industry provides a huge economic benefit to the global economy. However, there is a shortfall in qualified engineering graduates and skilled technicians; not to mention the absence of diversity in the workforce.

The Government aims to change that with the Year of Engineering 2018 initiative, giving the industry an opportunity to celebrate engineering and work with schools and families to offer young people a positive experience of engineering.
We can all take some simple steps to get involved with the campaign, having an intention not only to inspire the next generation of engineers but consciously promote HKA as a socially responsible brand.
So, what kind of steps would you suggest?
First I suggest you visit the Year of Engineering website or Primary Engineer.
Second, embrace social media! This may be considered a big step if, like me, you have reclusive tendencies!
Share your good news stories and experiences of engineering on social media channels. Linkedin and Twitter are good for this, use hashtags #yoe #inspireanengineer so your posts are found, add the @YoEgovuk handle to your post to raise its profile.
Third, get in touch with your local councillors and schools to find out what they’re up to and how you can get involved. If they do need some inspiration, I have had success with Jeremy King Engineering in Schools and RigaMaJig in the past.

Great, now how do you find the time?
Time is a precious asset, it is often lost and it is never returned!
Away from HKA, I spend it with my family, two-year-old son Alexander and fiancée Keri whilst we plan a wedding later in the year. If my mind ever wanders from that, I make sure it wanders on to something productive like personal or business development. I always have a few ideas on the go that can often materialise with just a few minutes input every other day.